Greystone Financial Services

Our Clients Are at the Heart of Everything We Do

Greystone Financial Services

Scott Dr
Altrincham, Greater Manchester

As the first international acquisition for Focus, Greystone Financial Services Ltd serves as the access point to Europe. Founded in 1989, Greystone is one of the leading financial planning, advisory and wealth management firms in the UK, with offices in Manchester and London, serving over 5,000 clients. The firm provides independent, holistic financial advice to high net worth individuals, company directors, celebrities, corporations and trustees across the UK. The firm combines an advisory and a wealth management business under one umbrella. Greystone Wealth Management has become prominent in the UK with five funds of funds and a structure which provides initial investment selection, ongoing research and active fund management.

A message from

Simon Lomas


We saw joining Focus as a great opportunity to further strengthen the Greystone Financial Services and Wealth Management propositions, and there was a considerable attraction to being the access point to Europe. The quality and professionalism of the Focus firms, the resources and backing offered by Focus, and the fact that each firm retains its operations, management structure and independence have allowed us to expand our recruitment and acquisition programs.

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