Sonora Investment Management
Customized Portfolio Management for Over 38 Years
Sonora Investment Management
16100 N 71st St
Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Sonora Investment Management is a leading wealth management firm in the Southwestern U.S. providing individual investors customized asset management. Delivering an internally driven research process that invests in multiple asset classes and only in individual securities, Sonora brings clients an institutional boutique approach to retail investing. Financial planning, professionalism, and recognition of client suitability lead the client process.
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A message from
L. Graham Gaines IV
Sonora Investment Management is an Arizona-based RIA founded in 1986. In partnering with Focus, our firm achieved a much clearer path to succession and scale. The Focus relationship also brings numerous enhancements to firm procedures, best practices, client resources, and custodial relations. The competitive array of additional client services that Focus brings could not have been achieved independently.
Learn More About Sonora Investment Management