Wespac Plan Services
30+ years of practical solution and sound advice
Wespac Plan Services
4 Orinda Way
Suite 100-B
Orinda, CA 94563

Oakland, California based WESPAC is entering its fourth decade of providing planning, advisory and investment services to individual clients, as well as tailored solutions for retirement and benefit plan administration to small- to mid- market sized employers. Using 50 core associates and an ever-increasing number of affiliated advisors around the country, WESPAC also plans a staged rollout of its unique services and solutions to these employers nationally.
For more information, visit: www.wespac.net

A message from
Renee Szu
With Focus, we have been able to extend our delivery of creative benefits solutions and investment advice to more clients throughout the region. We’ve broadened our thinking by networking with other best-in-class firms, all while maintaining our innovative, independent firm culture. Focus has also enabled us to create long-term partnership plans, ensuring that our clients will receive the same level of service they expect for years to come.
Learn More About Wespac